The Objectives Of The Crowd Fund

1. Secure a MORATORIUM on 5G until proven safe

2. Invoke the Precautionary Principle and remove wifi from schools immediately

3. Get smart phones out of schools

4. Get cell towers away from schools

5. Change ARPANSA’S guideline to a dosage standard

6. Set a precedent

7. Purchase court approved EMR measuring equipment & Collect data readings

8. Advertising in print media Australia wide

To find out more go to our ECSFR.com.au/parents-against-wifi-schools

Donate like your life depends on it because it does…

Our children.
The future of our species are exposed to an unprecedented level of electromagnetic radiation every day they attend school.

* Young children getting headaches at school is suddenly commonplace. Why?
* The number 1 disease killing children is brain cancer. Why?
* Young couples requiring IVF is suddenly commonplace. Why?
* The number of disappearing species increases week by week. Why?
* Adults and children suffering from anxiety for no reason is suddenly commonplace. Why?
* Depression, memory loss, brain cancer, autism, diabetes are all suddenly commonplace. Why?

We need to invoke the ‘Precautionary Principle’

Independant scientists and doctors from around the world are finding correlations between EMR poisoning and the many, many, many rising health issues of today YET….….the only science being accepted for setting our safety standards has been paid for by the telecommunications industry whose scientists can’t find risk of harm?


ECSFR Inc Association was formed a year ago when Telstra proposed installing a mobile phone base station (tower) in our beautiful valley in Wilsons Creek, NSW. We successfully educated the Bryon Shire council to the point where they acted responsibly, in the interests of all members of the community and denied Telstra’s proposal.

ECSFR is a group of people, just like you, that are committed to the right for everyone to live in a safe and healthy environment free from radiation. We call our organisation ECSFR – Environment and Communities Safe From Radiation and we are a NFP Incorporated Association that is independently audited.


We found that eminent scientists, doctors and citizens, with clear evidence of harm from these EMR installations and devices, had been lobbying the government for years and no-one was listening!


Using expert legal advice and expert medical opinion we successfully stopped a MPBS (mobile phone base station) tower being erected in our beautiful valley that is also a world documented rare wilderness habitat.

The formula we employed for Byron Shire Council was then enhanced and used to stop 5G cell installations in Randwick. This empowered Randwick City Council to place a moratorium on future 5G installations.

We attached a slogan to our campaign “not in our backyard” which was tongue in cheek but also true. Saving ourselves so that the tower could end up in the backyard of someone else not yet aware of the consequences was not acceptable to ECSFR, so we vowed to keep going until everybody’s backyard was safe.

ECSFR is presently in the process of stopping an NBN tower proposed for the other side of our valley.

The ECSFR committee has been working tirelessly for well over a year developing strategies to protect communities asking for our help. We regularly seek guidance and advice from our network of lawyers, doctors, and scientists, arrange education opportunities, provide meter readings and have collectively volunteered 1000’s of hours in our pursuit of positive change.

ECSFR approached the Department of Education several months back with regards to the toxic soup our children are being exposed to in the classroom. Apart from their initial response thanking ECSFR for our letter to the Department, they also stated ‘ … I acknowledge you are genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of students, staff and visitors to NSW Government schools. I share that concern …. ‘“since then there has been no further response from the Dept of Education.

ECSFR have now put the NSW Department of Education on Notice and are working to rectify this situation that is putting all children at extreme risk of harm in classrooms. We have issued them with a Warning Notice to remove the wifi and hardwire in the classrooms or prepare themselves for legal action.

This action could set a precedent to be used in future to protect people working in offices, shopping centres, daycare centres, public parks, sports venues, hospitals where people are already sick and vulnerable etc from radiation poisoning.



1 – Immediate legal action to protect the children

2 – Expert legal advice and expert medical evidence and opinion

3 – The purchase of court approved EMR measuring equipment

4 – Advertising in print media Australia wide

5 – Building Biology reports

6 – Admin and tech support

7 – Necessary action to ensure a Moratorium on 5G


Together with an expert legal, medical and scientific team who have a proven track record we will ensure:

  • our children will be educated in a safe and healthy environment
  • that standards are changed and legislation is created to protect all people and the environment from current EMR emitting devices
  • that profit does not take precedence over safety
  • that technology already available in Australia and proven to be 100% safe, fast and as efficient as wifi, is installed in all schools and is available in all communities to provide everyone with their communications, learning and business needs
  • that there is a Moratorium placed on 5G and all EMR emitting devices and installations being released or currently under proposal, until absolute safety can be proven


Towers are going up everywhere at a rapid rate and the CARE-LESS push for the ‘5g rollout’ (5th Generation Internet of Things ) is a technology designed by the weapons industry and used in military warfare, crowd control and surveillance around the world.

The infrastructure is being rolled out and is planned for a telegraph pole NEAR YOU!
For 5G to function these small cells are required every 150 – 300 meters.

For decades 1,000’s of independent scientific peer reviewed studies have shown that the non-thermal effects of EMR harms all biological life forms, from every human to every microbe.


The birds, bees, plants, animals and the future generations are relying on us to ACT NOW!!

Have we the people been lied to in the name of power and profits?

  • our privacy and personal information is being harvested and sold (data harvesting)
  • our health and well being is being eroded
  • ‘mystery illnesses’ are now in almost every household
  • the number of disappearing species increases week by week
  • there is an alarming increase in the mental, emotional and physical health issues in our children and throughout communities. The ensuing impact that this will inevitably have on the Australian social and economic cost is already way out of hand.


Our basic human right to peace, privacy, safety, health and wellbeing is being undermined by the continual threat of assault from microwave radiation poisoning (EMR).

WHO IS IT that has deemed this poison safe?

WHO DECIDED to ignore eminent doctors and scientists warnings to adopt the Precautionary Principle and proceeded to allow EMR to be emitted on the unsuspecting population?



Exposing the answers to these questions as well as pursuing damages to help rectify the harm already done to 1,000’s of people and the environment is also what your donation will support.

ECSFR is committed to engaging a legal team expert in criminal law who have valued experience with EMR cases and Radiation Sickness (EHS – Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) sufferers.

  • This includes working to elicit changes to the current, totally inadequate standards and to establish legislation to ensure the health and safety in every classroom and community, so our children can learn in an environment that is free from the assault by EMR and it’s clearly documented extreme risk of harm.
  • We will engage professionals from within the medical sphere who are expert specialists in the field of EMR AND RADIATION SICKNESS (EHS-Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity). Medical evidence will be gathered under the direction of expert doctors and scientists to present to a court of law the biological, mental and emotional harm that 1000’s of men, women and children are already suffering from across the country as a result of the non-thermal effects of non-ionising radiation (EMR).
  • We will engage Building Biologists to undertake tests and provide reports to establish in court the harmful levels of EMR within classrooms and other environments such as hospitals, communal spaces and your private home!!
  • We need financial support for admin and tech to facilitate all the above actions and for the continued education and empowering of all communities re EMR.

ECSFR, will be instrumental in facilitating and coordinating all of these above actions and to prepare for court proceedings.

Let’s show them that we mean business –
that we are all committed to this change and that we are determined to reclaim the health,

well being and safety of our environment and communities for the children and as our basic human right.




5G Summit Online

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