ECSFR requires meaningful and substantiated
answers from ARPANSA within 14 days

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URGENT: Request for Evidence through administrative access.
30 Jun 2020


Request for Evidence.

We are writing to request information from ARPANSA through administrative access and we request that the statutory response times be adhered to.

We have previously written to “ask a scientist” and have obtained both “no response” and a “non-response”.

Our request relates to:

1. ARPANSA RECOMMEND that exposure to Mobile Phones for children be minimised. ARPANSA has acknowledged acknowledge possible health risk and exposure risk from non-ionising RF (especially for children).

a) Please provide ARPANSA’s assessment of risk to Children from RF in terms of threat, vulnerability, likelihood and consequence and in accordance with international standards on risk management as adopted by the Australian Government.

b) Please provide the official decision that was made by the Government to not actively warn parents and the Departments of Education of the above recommendation by ARPANSA (noting for example, the NSW Department of Education has specifically asked ARPANSA for health advice).

2. ACEBR (funded in part by the wireless industry via the NHMRC) and relied upon by ARPANSA, rely on the NOCEBO effect to discount the existence of “radiation sickness” or “EHS” at levels below the ARPANSA RP3 Standard. ARPANSA rely on an ACEBR study involving a grand total of three (3) participants (not statistically significant in the local pre-school, but peer reviewed by “industry” experts and published in any event as credible science). ACEBR are one of the few workplaces in the Nation with a Workplace Health and Safety Policy on mobile phones which states: ““There are various hazards associated with the use of mobile phones that may have an adverse effect to health and safety.”

Note also that the NSW Department of Education, as stated in correspondence to ECSFR, obtains health advice on the safety of wi-fi and mobile use for school-children from Dr Rodney Croft and ACEBR (along with ARPANSA and the NSW CHO).

a) Please provide the scientific and legal basis on which ARPANSA rely on scientific research from an organisation whose WHS policy appears to be in conflict with its “expert” advice to the Nation.

b) Please provide the evidence where it was determined that ARPANSA should not notify the Nation’s workplaces to have WHS policies similar to ACEBR’s.

c) Please provide the scientific basis on which it is acceptable for ARPANSA to rely on one ACEBR study as “proof”, yet ignore 1000s of other independent peer reviewed studies demonstrating biological effects.

d) Please provide ARPANSA’s WHS Policy on wi-fi and mobile phone use.

3. The CMO, Dr Brendan Murphy, has assured the public that “5G is safe” and 5G is “not hazardous”.

a) Please provide all correspondence from ARPANSA to Dr Murphy and to the office of the CMO, pertaining to Dr Murphy’s 5G health assurances, in his capacity as the Nation’s top Doctor.

b) Please provide the evidence to demonstrate if either Dr Murphy’s advice to the public or the ACEBR WHS Policy is the correct assessment of risk, as the two are in conflict.

4. ARPANSA provide health advice, relied upon by public officials, on the safety of non-ionising radiation (wi-fi, 3G, 4G and 5G).

a) We request that ARPANSA provide evidence of which persons medically qualified have advised ARPANSA on the health impacts of RF. We note the Office of the CMO has been represented at the EMERG meetings (now disbanded) and note that minutes prove the CMO’s Office has been aware of health concerns raised at those meetings. If a medical doctor from the office of the CMO has not been behind ARPANSA’s health advice, please supply evidence to identify which medical doctor has provided ARPANSA with health advice pertaining to RF safety.

b) Please provide evidence of the legal basis upon which ARPANSA offers health advice to the State and Territory Public Officials.

Yours sincerely,

Steve J. Toneguzzo

(B.E.Eng., Grad.Dip.Comp.Sc., M.Eng.Sc., CPEng., Fellow IEAUST., NER, APEC, IntPE(Aus)).

Chair: (A community based organisation).

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