A warning to peaceful protestors and lobby groups

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ECSFR wish to warn all social media administrators and members of safe technology groups of a real and present danger that radical extremist or industry groups may see the growing number of people genuinely concerned over 5G and wifi in schools as an opportunity to propagate their message or to discredit the narrative. Some tell-tale signs will be the person (or persons):

1. Use emotive language to tell a story with no substance or credible evidence to support the narrative.

2. Make claims of action and results but provide no proof of those claims.

3. Have third parties corroborate their stories and claims, but again there is no evidence or proof.

4. Link in 5G or microwave radiation with other agendas (including product and service sales) to dilute and distort key messages.

5. Claim to be an expert or appoint themselves to a role when they have no long-standing history or expertise.

6. Copy an established narrative (such as ECSFR’s narrative) but again, with no substance to back it up.

7. Make the issue about a race or culture when the real issue is really about an avoidance of basic risk management by government and industry.

8. Call for violent or subversive acts instead of peaceful action or engage in posts that are of a dangerous nature (e.g. acquiring weapons).

Here is an example: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-06-12/asio-briefing-warns-far-right-is-exploiting-coronavirus/12344472

9. Will be disruptive in peaceful protests with a view to focusing media attention on their message (which may be an off-topic banner) or to portray your peaceful group as a violent or extremist organisation by focusing media attention on their actions within your group. To this end, you are best to appoint a community police liaison officer, invite police attendance and to bring any concerning messaging or disruptive behaviour to the attention of police…after all police are part of your community and many have children exposed to the same dosages of microwave radiation your children do.

10. Above all trust your intuition. If it does not feel right, it probably isn’t.