Arpansa 2020

UNPACKING ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and [...]

About Us

edical professionals predict the effects of harmful microwave radiation will be the next “smoking”. Yet, many people know little about EMR. Environment and Communities Safe From Radiation (ECSFR)
is a fiercely independent grassroots charity that works with lawyers, scientists, doctors and other community organisations to empower, educate and inspire action in Australia – and around the world.

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What you can do

Here are some simple and immediate steps you can take to protect our world
from harmful electromagnetic radiation.

Wireless radiation is hazardous for children. Even ARPANSA recommends minimising child exposures to microwave radiation emitting wireless devices such as mobile phones.”

Steve Toneguzzo
Chairman, ECSFR

Why We’re Concerned

At best, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is a class 2B potential carcinogen (as listed by the World Health Organisation), and at worst a definite carcinogen and toxic to all life.

• EMR is a classified pollutant (electro-smog).

• According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the #1 illness that kills children is brain cancer and the #1 cancer killer of adults under 40 is brain cancer.

• No one is regulating the standards once the towers/devices are implemented /rolled out

• Regulators take no action and neither does Government. In fact, they plan to blanket the planet in 5G microwave radiation (the Internet of Things).

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