Dear Members,

Spending AU$9m on an independent risk assessment of all aspects of 5G (not only health) would be the politically expedient option. A re-education campaign will only serve to raise further suspicions. What credibility will you hold telling the population microwave radiation is totally safe, while courts overseas rule otherwise: https://ehtrust.org/key-issues/cell-phone-radiation-litigation/

You will have noted the overwhelming majority of submissions are expressing concern and reference credible and current research. The concerns and the evidence for risk of harm (to health and other matters) are all the Public record, as is your awareness of it.

If you care to investigate the regulatory, reseach and political capture that parallels the tobacco and asbestos industries, then the 2019 UN Human Right’s Commission tabled document: A/HRC/40/NGO/217 will be of interest. Are you aware that the ACEBR research ARPANSA rely on for the entire population on the matter of electro-hypersensitivity, used only 3(three) subjects – credible research?

Applying neo-liberal (Machiavellian) politics to isolated projects may benefit the economy, but its application to a matter that impacts the entire nation, can have dire economic, political, and social consequences if the risks involved are not fully comprehended and mitigated. Precaution, rather than ‘re-education’ would be prudent in the matter of 5G.

Thank you for your consideration,

Steve J. Toneguzzo

(B.E.Eng., Grad.Dip.Comp.Sc., M.Eng.Sc., CPEng., Fellow IEAUST., NER, APEC, IntPE(Aus)).

Chair: www.ECSFR.com.au


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